Thursday, August 09, 2012

Unit tests are not all black and white

And they are not all red or green either. From a management perspective it might make sense to divide unit tests into the ones that pass, and mark everything else as an error. After all, this is what is confirmed to work and what is not.

From a development's perspective this approach makes less sense. The main goal is still to get all unit tests in the green zone. It's just that some of the test that do not pass are not errors that need immediate attention. Some of the error may already be planned to be fixed in the future, configuration problems or dependencies on resources that are not available at the moment of the test run.

Take for example a test that uses a database (i known that technical it is not a unit test). You want to test that some updates are done correctly. If for some reason the database is down and you can't get an open connection to the database, would you fail the test? My suggestion is that you don't. The test is not about getting a connection to the database but about doing the update.

They way I like to use unit tests is to utilize the ignore or inconclusive state of tests. If it is some configuration,  some 3. party component missing on the test machine or some error that is scheduled in the future I like to take them out of the errors in need of immediate attention.

I have seen panicking because hundreds of tests fail just because the password of the database user had changed. This should maybe fail in a single test that verifies that the database is accessible, but not the whole test suite.

It's a good idea to prioritize your tasks, and by using levels of severity in your unit tests you can optimize your bug fixing efforts a bit and focus on the errors that are real.

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Recursive lambdas

More and more programming languages supports a functional approach to programming. the functional approach gives a more compact syntax that for some people will be easier to read because everything can be kept together.

In C#, lambda expressions take us closer towards functional programming. An important concept of functional programming is recursitivity which in many cases can replace loops.

I pulled up my old base conversion algoritm and gave it a try. Basically it takes an integer and returns a string respresented in a base of your choice.

Integers to Text

The variable chars contains the characters used in the output. For a conversion to base 16 (hex) the first 16 are used etc..
C# doesn't let you reference something that is defined in the same line, so the signature of the lambda is defined in the previous line. The actual conversion is all written in one line of code and I'll let you decipher it yourselfes. Because of the recursion, no loop is required. It will basically calls itself for every character to be output. As C# doesn't support tail recursion (this is not completely true, but I won't count on it anyway), recursive code in C# has a limit to how many times a method can call itself.

I also did one that goes the other way.

Text to Integer
What i have now is two methods so that I can convert from any base (limited to the length of the charset used) to any other base. this is how i convert a hex number into base 3.
